The Cockatoo, or Baretta bird for those of old enough to recall the television series, might not be as colorful as their parrot kin, but what they lack in color they make up for in their showy crest and snowy white plumage (often tinged with orange, yellow, or green). They’re perhaps some of the coolest, most recognizable birds around!
These four check design images feature the lively and affectionate cockatoo as they perch on a limb and gaze out at the world around them. If you don’t own a cockatoo but would like to (without the forty plus year commitment involved), these bird checks are the perfect fit for you.
NOTE: If you’ve had these checks in the past, note that the series has gotten even better – the 2nd check with the green background replaced what was once a different photo with a reddish orange background.
Matching Cockatoo Address Labels
Share the awesome cockatoo photos by using some matching address labels. With snowy white plumage and the distinctive crest, they’re a striking reminder of the wonder and beauty of nature. Labels feature the same four designs as the checks. Available in square or rectangle.