UPDATE: This adorable check series is no longer being offered.
See all of the other Bichon Frisé checks we’ve found.
Message!Products has joined the Checks Unlimited family!
Checks Unlimited is a great source for high quality personal checks and while they don’t print this specific design, they do have a lot of animal checks to choose from.
Bichon Frise Club of America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization comprised of an all-volunteer network formed to address the plight of bichons and bichon mixes who have been surrendered by their owners for various reasons, abandoned, found as strays, abused, neglected, or who find themselves in a shelter, looking for a new home. The Rescue network is dedicated to providing full veterinary care, in-home rehabilitation, responsible placement, follow-up care and public education to prevent cruelty to bichons and heighten awareness of the breed. To facilitate its mission, Bichon Frisé Rescue solicits and gratefully accepts critically needed donations of money, time and complimentary or discounted veterinary care. Please consider donating to help volunteers rescue, rehabilitate and rehome bichons that desperately need your help… and in the process, help screened, approved and loving persons embrace their new family members. Visit BichonRescue.org and Facebook.com/BFCACT for more information. All donations are tax-deductible.